From: Subject: Online File W5.4 Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 08:31:48 +0430 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3028 Online File W5.4

Online File W5.4=20


While Wireless Encryption Protocol (WEP) offers a measure of = security, the=20 tradeoff is inconvenience. In order to employ WEP, every Wi-Fi user must = be=20 educated in how it works, their computers must be reconfigured to = connect to the=20 network, and the encryption code must be changed frequently. = Additionally, every=20 authorized user must be given the encryption key, which means that a lot = of=20 people will be carrying around the keys to the network. In larger = companies, if=20 a hacker can gain access to the encryption key or can get through the = WEP=20 security in some other way=97which is easily done with readily available = software=20 like AirSnort ( or WEPCrack=20 ( =97the damage is often greater because = companies=20 have a habit of installing their wireless access points behind their = firewalls.=20

There are alternatives to WEP. If a company is concerned about the = security=20 of wireless data communications, it can use virtual private = networking=20 (VPN) technology to create a secure connection over the wireless = link. There=20 is also a new Wi-Fi security standard, called Wi-Fi Protective Access = (WPA), under development. This standard has the backing of the = Wireless=20 Fidelity Alliance and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics = Engineers=20 (IEEE). WPA provides enhanced encryption and supports user = authentication,=20 something that was missing from WEP. The alliance has already begun = certifying=20 Wi-Fi products with WPA security. This enhanced security may encourage = more=20 businesses to experiment with Wi-Fi over the coming years. For details = see Fikes=20 (2003).


Fikes, B., =93Unguarded Wireless Networks a Snap for = =91Stumbling=92,=94=20 Californian North County Times, January 12, 2003, = 2003/20030112/53511.html (accessed May 2004).=20