Index of /PNU-IT-Management/Online File/Chapter 5
[DIR]Parent Directory -  
[   ]Total5.zip783K 
[   ]W5.1 Information Personalization by Wireless.mht312K 
[   ]W5.2 M-Commerce Value Chain.mht 42K 
[   ]W5.3 Evolution of Mobile Network Standards.mht 54K 
[   ]W5.4 WEP (Wireless Encryption Protocol).mht3.2K 
[   ]W5.5 Unique Security Challenges of Mobile Computing.mht2.6K 
[   ]W5.6 Security Approaches for Mobile Computing.mht 21K 
[   ]W5.7 Internet-Based Intrabusiness Applications.mht3.8K 
[   ]W5.8 Traditional versus Mobile Support at an Airport.mht101K 
[   ]W5.9 Mobile Entertainment Music, Pictures, and Video.mht3.8K 
[   ]W5.10 Traditional versus Mobile Support at a Hotel.mht 76K 
[   ]W5.11 The Technical Foundation of Pervasive Computing.mht5.9K 
[   ]W5.12 The Wireless Connected House.mht 60K 
[   ]W5.13 Smart Appliances Washers and Dryers on the Web.mht114K 
[   ]W5.14 The Capabilities of OnStar.mht2.7K 
[   ]W5.15 All About Auto-ID.mht240K