From: Subject: Online File W4.8 Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 08:24:16 +0430 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3028 Online File W4.8

Online File W4.8=20


ADWARE NETWORKS.Ad-serving networks are the backbone for = big-time=20 spyware. They pay publishers of games, utilities, and music video = players, per=20 download, to include their ad-serving programs. Examples of some = ad-serving=20 networks are DoubleClick, Web3000, Radiate, SaveNow, and GAIN.

TROJAN HORSES.As discussed in the text, a Trojan horse is = software=20 that is attached to a program and performs undesirable tasks on your = computer.=20 Trojan horses are often hidden in popular Internet downloads, and they = usually=20 come with the ad-serving network=92s basic software and at least one = stalking=20 horse (see below). Trojan horses have been included in KaZaa, = Grokster,=20 Morpheus, Limewire, AudioGalaxy, iMesh, and DivX.

STALKING HORSES.These are a number of programs that enable = the adware=20 networks to function on desktop PCs. They are bundled in many popular = programs=20 and often (but not always) are presented in installation disclosure = screens as=20 desirable add-ons to their Trojan horse hosts. All collect information. = They=20 have been included in TopText, Cydoor, OnFlow, Medialoads, Delfin, Web- = Hancer,=20 and New.ent.

BACKDOOR SANTAS.These are standalone spyware programs that = have no=20 links to ad-serving networks but collect information from users. They = have been=20 included in Alexa, Hotbar, Comet Cursor, eWallet, Cute FTP, and = BonziBuddy.=20

COOKIES.A cookie is a small data file placed on a = user=92s hard=20 drive when he or she first visits a Web site. This software can be used = to=20 exchange information automatically between a server and a browser = without the=20 user seeing what is being transmitted. Users who object to the idea of = having=20 their online activities monitored by cookies can delete cookies from = their=20 computers or use anticookie software. However, Netscape Navigator and = Internet=20 Explorer will still send out existing cookies even after you disable = cookies in=20 the browser setting. You must manually delete any and all cookie files = from your=20 system in order to avoid being tracked by third-party networks or = spyware or=20 adware providers.=20
