From: Subject: Online File W3.8 Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 21:46:13 +0430 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.3790.3959 Online File W3.8

Online File W3.8=20


There are many applications of voice technologies. Here is a=20 sampling:

Interactive voice recognition. = Interactive=20 voice recognition (IVR), one of the most popular applications in the = 1990s,=20 enables a computer to recognize the content of incoming telephone calls. = IVRs=20 are being supplemented or even replaced by mobile devices (see the = Maybelline=20 case in Chapter 2).

Voice annotation. A combination = of=20 recorded voice messages with e-mail, spreadsheet, and other = applications,=20 voice annotation can be used to add comments to documents. = Prerecorded=20 voices of experts can add background information, or users can enter a = request=20 for advice or explanations on their PC. A computer program orders the = telephone=20 system to dial the user, who can then pick up the phone to receive = recorded=20 instructions.

Automated attendant. An automated=20 attendant system transfers calls, monitors them for completion, = streamlines=20 call flow, and shortens call hold times. Applications are in call = routing, call=20 screening, and receptionist backup.

Voice mail. = Voice=20 mail is a well-known computerized system for storing, forwarding, = and=20 routing telephone messages. Applications include personal greetings, = front-end=20 beepers and pagers, departmental messaging, message broadcasting to = groups, and=20 emergency notifications.

Audiotext. = Audiotext is a=20 voice-based system that can play and record information in any sequence = and/or=20 in response to touch-tone input.